LASIK – What to Expect

The first step on your path to LASIK surgery is to call L.O. Eye Care at 800.292.1668 or click here to set up a free consultation. One of our friendly staff members will ask you a few simple questions before setting up your free LASIK consultation:
- They will also inform you that if you currently wear contacts, you must remove them for a minimum of two weeks prior to your appointment for proper testing.
- They will remind you to allow 3-4 hours for your appointment. The reason for the length of appointment is due to the extra testing required for a LASIK evaluation as well as the strong dilating drops needed to complete proper testing and evaluation of your eyes.
The free LASIK consultation consists of a four-part process.
First, you will meet with one of our technicians who will perform some tests on your eyes to see if you can continue with the evaluation. If your results indicate you can continue, you will be given some eye dilating drops and then taken down to see your surgical counselor. The surgical counselor will discuss with you the LASIK process, pre-surgery, during surgery, and post-surgery. She will also show you a video on LASIK surgery. After meeting with the surgical counselor and once your eyes have fully dilated, you will be taken back to a technician who will then perform another series of tests and checks on your eyes. Finally, you will meet the surgeon who will perform your LASIK surgery to discuss any further questions or concerns you may have. He will also evaluate the eye to determine if you are an eligible candidate for LASIK surgery. If you are a candidate for surgery, the surgical counselor will call you to set up your surgery date.
Day of surgery
You will be expected to arrive 1 hour prior to your procedure. At that time, you will be given drops to numb the eye and then you will proceed to surgery. Plan on being at the appointment for about 2 hours total, which includes arriving 1 hour prior to your procedure.
Once surgery is complete, you will wear clear goggles to protect your eyes for your trip home. Please remember to arrange for someone to drive you to and from your appointment. This person will also need to stay on site in our waiting room while you are going through surgery.
Day after surgery
You will come back for a quick post-operative appointment. You will begin an eye drop regime prescribed by the doctor. You will then have post-op appointments per surgeon’s instructions.
Laser assisted in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK) can only be performed by a trained physician and is specified for reduction or elimination of myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism as indicated within the product labeling. Laser refractive surgery may be contraindicated for patients: a) with collagen vascular, autoimmune, or immunodeficiency diseases; b) who are pregnant or nursing women; c) with signs of keratoconus or abnormal corneal topography; d) who are taking one or both of the following medications: Isotretinoin (Accutane) and Amiodarone hydrochloride (Cordarone). Potential side effects to laser refractive surgery may include glare, dry eye, as well as other visual anomalies. LASIK requires the use of a laser or microkeratome that cuts a flap on the surface of the cornea, potential side effects may include flap related complications. Consult with your eye care professional and Patient Information Booklet regarding the potential risks and benefits for laser refractive surgery; results may vary for each individual patient.