
Wrinkles can be caused by our environment, aging, and repetitive motions like frowning and squinting. As the muscles in the face contract, wrinkles can appear around the eyes and between the brows. Dr. Lewis and Lauren Farris use BOTOX® to temporarily relax facial muscles and reduce the appearance of facial lines and wrinkles.

BOTOX® is a purified protein from the botulinum bacteria that temporarily weakens muscles by blocking nerve conduction. BOTOX® injections are one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures in the United States. Ophthalmology was one of the first specialties to use BOTOX® clinically to weaken overactive facial muscles in the eyelid area in a condition called blepharospasm. After demonstrating safety and effectiveness in this clinically debilitating condition, application in cosmetic reduction of facial wrinkles followed with much success.

A smooth and natural facial appearance can be achieved by selectively relaxing certain muscles that cause undesirable lines and wrinkles. The main areas treated are the vertical lines between the brows, the horizontal brow lines, and crow’s feet lines.



Visible results with BOTOX® have been shown to last 4 to 6 months; however the effect of BOTOX® on the muscle is 3 months. Results may vary.

Patients may experience minimal and brief discomfort. The entire procedure will take less than 15 minutes.

Patients begin to see improvement within 24-48 hours and benefits can continue to increase up to 30 days after the treatment.