Coolidge Rd Office – Road Construction
Dear patients,
At L.O. Eye Care, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our patients. We want to inform you that major road construction will commence on Coolidge Rd starting on April 8th. This project entails converting four lanes to three lanes on Coolidge Rd from Saginaw Street to Lake Lansing Road. The project is expected to extend through the summer, with an anticipated completion date in late summer/early fall.
The road will be partially closed to through traffic; however, local traffic will be maintained as much as possible.
Starting May 6, The intersection of Coolidge Rd and Lake Lansing road will close. There will be a detour posted. To get to our Coolidge Rd location, this detour will route you to Harrison Rd down to Grand River and back to Coolidge Rd.
Please be mindful of the time when arriving for your upcoming appointment, and above all, stay safe!